Reverend MARGARET (“MAGGIE”) WILCOX is a Spiritual and Holistic Health Coach, and Intuitive Healer.  She is combines many modalities of Reiki, Hawi’ian Kahuna Lemurian Energy (aka ARCH®), Atlantean Crystal technology, Guided Imagery and Card Readings while integrating Shamanic, TriYoga® & Kundalini Yoga practices.

Maggie is a Dragon Priestess, Dragon Resonance Healer, and Dragon & Celtic Reiki Master.  She teaches others how to work with the Dragons to help the Planet, and Activate their Inner Dragon Essence to come back to their Power beyond bloodlines, throughout all dimensions and parallel realms.

Margaret began in her early 20’s studying spirituality, meditation and ritual.   Being raised in California, she was fortunate to take yoga in high school.  She began a serious Kundalini Yoga practice in 1999 where at that time she also became a Reiki Master.  In 2000, she moved to New Orleans and began teaching Yoga after the birth of her first daughter.  It was here she discovered TriYoga® and has followed that practice since.  In 2002, she opened her own yoga studio, Moondancer Studios in New Orleans.  In 2004, she moved to Tampa and began teaching spiritual workshops and yoga at Yogani Studios and began her business Wheels of Light.  For four years she was a senior teacher in the Yoga Loft Teacher Training Program in Tampa.

Margaret is an energy worker combining many modalities of Reiki (Usui, Karuna Reiki®, Atlantean, Crystal, Dolphin, Fairy, Kundalini), Kahuna ARCH® (Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing), Dragon Resonance Healing,  Crystals, and other healing modalities like Quantum Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for healing on body, mind and spirit levels.  She is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher direct from the Usui line.  She is a registered teacher and practitioner of the International Association of Reiki Professionals.

Her other practices and studies include mind/body healing, meditation, ear coning, flower essences, holistic health and natural medicine, feng shui, natural childbirth and natural mom counseling.  She has a degree from the American Institute of Holistic Theology’s Doctor of Naturology Program.  In 2003, she was cast in a documentary reality-tv show for the Discover Health Channel called "Health Cops: New Orleans." She was selected as the alternative practitioner to change someone's life in 12 weeks. This show still airs on the FitTV channel.

She currently offers private and group workshops and yoga in Palm Springs, California and Retreats in Joshua Tree, California.  She enjoys combining Yoga with her energy practices for Chakra Balancing and Spiritual Wellness.  See her Calendar for scheduled workshop details.  Hire her for your next WEDDING ceremony (LGBT friendly).  Got a group?  She will come to you with her workshops.

She runs her alternative website which is a wonderful source for long-distance study and healing.  She enjoys working with clients in workshop and private settings to meet all of their needs.

Additionally, she has a metaphysical shop of Reiki, Goddess & Dragon schwag at

As a homeschooling mother, she advocates a natural approach to pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing. She is a Birth Doula, who helps relax mothers on their birthing journey.  She has also studied many forms of dance.  She honors Mother Earth and teaches environmental awareness in others.

Services currently offered:

  • Energy Treatment (Reiki, Quantum Touch, ARCH and Crystals)
  • Spiritual Coaching with Dragon Resonance Healing
  • Reiki Attunements (Levels I, II, III/Master & Karuna)
  • Yoga
  • Crystal Therapy and Education
  • Herbal Remedy Consultation
  • Natural Prenatal Care and Childbirth Consultation / Birth Doula
  • Tarot Card Readings
  • Space Clearing/Feng Shui
  • Guided Meditations and Imagery
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Healing Rituals
  • Spiritual Retreats
  • Ceremonies:  Weddings, Naming & Birthing

Sessions in Palm Springs/Joshua Tree, California are $222 for 1.5 hours, includes travel.   View the Sessions page to schedule a session which may include any of the above services.  See Calendar for a listing of her online workshops in Palm Springs and retreats in Joshua Tree, California.

Many of Margaret's E-books are available online, which include Natural Mom, Natural Pregnancy & Childbirth, Journey of the Chakras, Spirit Helpers, Tarot 101, Herbology 101, Crystal Healing 101 and much more.  There are many ONLINE SESSIONS available like Tarot/Oracle Card Readings and Long-distance ARCH Healings   See all within Sessions.

Thanks for stopping by!  Stay a while and enjoy the healing energy!