Oracle Card Reading Online



An intuitive Card Reading provided to you in voice recording and images so you can listen again.  A Card Reading will assist you in discovering your spirit’s truth.  Remember you are a spiritual being having a physical body experience, not the other way around.  Card readings have been used for centuries as a method of self-discovery.  Used as a divination tool, it connects to the querent’s (you) higher self, our divine essence that always knows why we are here in this lifetime.  It is within your higher self that the entire history of your soul resides.  Rev. Margaret Wilcox will tune into your energy and call on the assistance of her angels and guides to intuit what you need to hear.

She will start with a Chakra Reading to see where your body’s energy currently lies and what may occur in 2-3 weeks.  Then she’ll let you ask deeper questions on what came up.  Through awareness, we can shift our realities.  Let this intuitive session guide you on your journey.


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Type of Deck

Rider-Waite (traditional), Faerie, Dolphins & Mermaids, Hawi'ian Mana Truth, Angels, Animal Totems


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