Activate Your Inner Dragon – 4 Energetic Healing Sessions




July 14 – August 4, 2024

You’ll experience FOUR (4) Channeled and Guided Transmissions to bring you back to your own Divine Power and Essence! These sessions are a like my private Dragon Light Body Activations but recorded so it’s more affordable.  I’ve added to each session new Dragon Tribe lessons and activations.

Sessions include:

~ Connecting You to Your Dragon Light Body, Dragon Lineage & Dragon Tribe
~ Channeling powerful Light Beings including Dragons, Fairies, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Divine Creator, Holy Mother and Holy Father
~ Dragon Light Language Sound Transmissions
~ Guided Meditations and Imagery each Session
~ Learn the Dragon’s Breath
~ Grow Wings & Practice Flying in the 5th Dimension to Your Planet
~ Learn to Use Your Grounding Tail & Love Your Legs
~ Create a Manifestation Temple
~ Open Psychic Centers and 7 Crown Chakras

Led by Rev. Margaret Wilcox, Karuna Reiki® Master, ARCH® Hawai’ian Kahuna Master, Dragon Resonance® Healing Practitioner, Mayan Shaman, Crystal Healer, TriYoga® Teacher and Meditation Therapist.


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