Forgiveness Ritual

Forgiveness is the key to happiness. As soon as you are aware of resentment or blame, do this ritual.  We often resist forgiving because it threatens the ego.  You may feel better saying you are “releasing toxins associated with past events and people,” rather than the moralistic-sounding admonishment, “Forgive.”


Write down the name of every person, situation, and even animal who had ever irritated you.  Think all the way from your childhood to present day.  Include yourself, your parents, your siblings….If you don’t remember their name, just write a description of the individual.
Then look at each name on the list and then mentally direct the sentiment:
“I forgive you.  I release you.  I hold no unforgiveness.  I am free and you are free.”  Say it as many times as needed until you feel free!  Do at least once a year.

