Chakra Affirmations

I’d like to share with you some Chakra Affirmations. These come from the book Practical Reiki by Richard Ellis. I encourage you to use the affirmation/s daily, based upon your individual needs.

Root Chakra (1st): I am safe, I trust in the natural flow of life. I take my natural place in the world content in the knowledge that all I need will come to me in the right time and space. I am secure and grounded in the physical form and give thanks to Mother Earth for the nourishment, shelter, and stability she gives me.

Belly Chakra (2nd): I am a sensuous being. I express my sexuality fully and freely in all I do. I celebrate the creative exchange of sexual energy in the universe. I honor the union and integration of the masculine and feminine principles as I recognize and integrate these principles within myself. I give and receive freely from the wellspring of life.

Sacral Chakra (3rd): I am at peace with myself and my surroundings. I express my identity without imposing my will upon others. I see the differences in others as unique expressions that contribute more color and fragrance to the world. I am energized by the light and heat of the sun. I am in harmony with all I see.

Heart Chakra (4th): I am motivated by selflessness. I cultivate the quality of compassion for myself and all sentiment beings. I have the willingness to transform pain and suffering in others with the knowledge that, as I do, I transform pain and suffering within me. I have the courage to love unconditionally.

Throat Chakra (5th): I am free to express my creativity with unrestricted enthusiasm and joy. I give voice to my feelings and communicate with clarity and openness. I am a unique being, my opinions are of great value, and I share them fearlessly. I am imaginative and colorful in all I do.

Third Eye (6th): I create my own reality. All experiences that I come into contact with are a reflection of my own projected thoughts and emotions. I develop my inner senses. I am open to new ideas and spiritual concepts. My intellectual mind recognizes my intuitive perception.

Crown Chakra (7th): I contemplate the impermanent nature of reality. I release attachment, recognizing that it is the source of all suffering. I develop emptiness so that I may experience union with the universal consciousness and merge with the oneness of all creation. I am content.