Kundalini Reiki Levels 1-9


Light your Kundalini Flame and clear out your energy channels gradually. Learn how to heal deep wounds before applying other healing energies for deeper work.


Light your Kundalini Flame and clear out your energy channels gradually. Learn how to heal deep wounds before applying other healing energies for deeper work. The manual includes information on healing karmic bands, sending long-distance, and cleansing a room. You’ll also learn Diamond Reiki (to bring in the diamond vibration), Crystalline Reiki (to clear crystal deposits), DNA Reiki (to repair your strands), Location Reiki (heal karmic bands of places), Past Life Reiki and how to heal the Trauma of Birth and how to Balance.  Four days of seperate attunements received.In the last attunements, you will receive an Mp3 activation and meditation to listen often.


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